

March 13, 2022, Huntsville… Had a beer with 3 other friends. Feeling muddled….

(Wrote something after a long long time…)


A four-letter word
That encompasses the
and the “hmmm…”
Inside a holed straw
Where you sip the elixir
Of the unknowns.

A four-letter word
That mystifies your knowns
Of the feelings that aren’t yours…
You try to grab it by the roots
Each gasp elapses
In the lapse that you drown…

A four-letter
Fills the straw with dreads
Of the lives and the dead
You grab it in a withered land
Like a ticking sand on your palm It passes by
Within the empty cracks
Connects your life…

A four-letter question
Wrapped up in never-ending cycles
Of the “why” and “how”.
When the time follows back
To the rhythms of the sands
You held like your love

A five-letter word ticks…
But sometimes,
Skips A beat
In time
and emotions…
A song of the yearning
echoes in the distant
That fills the straw
You sipped through.

Forever you are
In the timeless lands
Made of sands
Withering away.
A grain drops by,
You weigh it down
With a puff from your cigar.

Your life,
sinks within the corals
Of emotions
And closures
you try to hold them down
With the broken straw
That made up the letters and the questions
Within the muddled dreams
Time screams…
And you disappear…
Like the sand you tried to hold.
You are the stream of sand on the beach
Washed up. Bewildered…forever…and ever…
..and ever…and ever…
…and ever…