Our existence is like these little drops of rain.

Words for my video Rain:

60 seconds. That’s the amount of time it took for you to hear my voice after the rain.

So, what did you think about? What emotions did the 60 seconds of rain evoke in you? What sort of memories did you think of? Did some memories splash? Was it happy or sad? What sort of place did you travel back to?

The questions are infinite, yet the answer to these mysterious emotions is the same: “I don’t know. Sometimes I like rain. Sometimes I don’t.”. Probably, that is the answer. And we don’t know why…

When you are locked up in your mind-cave, all alone, there’s some greater mellow, yet exciting existential dread the rain brings… These feelings are paradoxical, in the sense, we drift into the vastness of our own little universe…thinking of places, memories…of the past..of the future….converging right at the moment, right now. At the present…

Probably, you start to sense the touch of someone in the rain…romantic kinds. Or perhaps…the time when you cried and it suddenly started to rain. Strange isn’t it?

60 seconds feel like an eternity when you drift apart somewhere…
The days feel shorter when it starts to rain…
You pick your favorite book and start to fall inside. You pick your guitar, and all you could bring are rains of melodies….vibrations that feel sad…as if you are in a great pain. Perhaps you are. Perhaps we all are. We all are in pain…in great pain…

To quote [[Charles Bukowski]]’s “The Crunch”:

there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it in the slow movement of
the hands of a clock.

people so tired
either by love or no love.

Maybe, we yearn for rain as much as we crave for the sunshine. Just like our lives playing a ping-pong match between the Great Grief and the Great Joy.

“Wubba lubba Dub Dub…I am in great pain please help me.”

Perhaps…we just want rain for the same reason as we want to be loved…



“Remembering me” by me: Remembering me

Inspired by Sage Rain’s To understand rain