
[October 02, 2020. Around 9 pm. Lonely AF]

Dear Nish,

Don’t feel so lonely. I know you are a hopeless guy. Everyday is a struggle to live, to live without any anxieties. And I know you often feel the need of a romantic partner. But have you pondered deeply why you are feeling that way? Why are you so lonely? What’s the matter?

Dear Nish,

I am right here. Beside you listening to your messy thoughts, to your reflections in the shadows. Don’t be so sad. It’s as if I am on your life support. I am entangled with you. I feel what you feel. And it really hurts to have that mysterious sadness engulfing you.

Dear Nish,

Life’s always like that. One moment you are flowing, and flying, all euphoric. Another moment same flight doesn’t have any kicks. Rather you drift away somewhere…not here. Nobody knows where that drift is going. I feel you can do so much with your life, yet you don’t quite fully understand your fully potential. Just know that am here right beside you. Watching. Observing. Contemplating.

Dear Nish, I know how you’re feeling right now. Life’s like a lonely ride on a lonely train heading towards a lonely station. But know that it stops. It stops nevertheless. And that is all matters.
