Tonight! I am not sad.
Nor I am mad.
I am expressionless.
There’s nothing I have to express.
There’s no desire at expense.

Tonight! I am a commoner.
A Son — whose heart beats for his mother.
A Child — dreams all stout
A Brother — sister’s hopes echo aloud
A Neighbour — lively yet mysterious
A Citizen — responsible, inglorious
A no one — lurking in the shadow

Tonight! I am a friend
A faceless in the circle
Independent — lost in thoughts
Of love, life and arts
Some reasons to live
None clinging to another’s dream

Tonight! I am a pedestrian
Wandering around, feeling the rain
A Walker — indifferent yet significant
A Watcher —looking beyond the blurred lens
A Thinker — lost in dreams
Of silence and screams.
A Painter — filling the imagination
With life and thoughts
Still, I am no one rushing around.

Tonight — It’s special.
I’m on a date — with Peace and Chaos
No emotions — I am expressionless
Tonight! I am in search of myself.
A someone — a face under the mask
A traveller through time
A wanderer through life.
A stargazer — in awe of vastness
Of life and emptiness.