On Codes and Cleanliness

Posted on August 4, 2017

3 mins read
Tags: programming clean-code

Let’s accept the fact that most of us have been frustrated by the amount of wilderness found in the code we write, or while going through someone else’s.

All the programmers go through the similar phases :

  1. Wow! Programming is a magic once they see their first program being run successfully.

  2. It is interesting. This language is awesome. I think I am in love. It all makes sense, but a bit dumber and more high level

  3. Okay then. I will be reading about these data structures and various algorithms and other topics which I have no idea how will be used in the near future.

  4. Implementing this algorithm from ground up will be awesome but then I’ll be forgetting these all in near future.

  5. WTF! I can’t do this. The mathematics is killing me.

  6. Okay. I’ll not try re-inventing the wheels. I’ll just use these libraries and frameworks for making it work

  7. ** Few millennia passes by ** What the hell is this code? Did I write this really? I was so noob.

  8. ** After few millennia again ** I know nothing but I can really talk about anything. :P

Here’s what I do to write clean codes (at least try to write the codes cleaner)

I. Proper coding convention for the programming language

This helps other developers to collaborate easily.

II. Proper variable and method naming convention

Naming the variables properly surely avoids stressful thinking if you are reading your codes some time later. It makes the codes more verbose.

III. Prevent code duplication

If there are same parts of codes that are written repeatedly, I try to separate them and put them in a separate place to prevent duplicatoin.

IV. Modularity

My codes follow Object Oriented Programming paradigms most of the time so that the components are as modular as possible. In fact, one doesn’t necessarily have to follow OOP while doing simple tasks.

Modularity in a sense make it more functional like a component. It doesn’t have to be the object itself but can be functions. However, if the tasks to be done isn’t complex, OOP adds more complexity to the codes. So, keep it simple.

V. Write proper documentation

A proper documentation guides any developers through the vastness of the codes.
In fact, in the past I used to scratch my head over the old codes due to lack of documentation and had to literally spend hours to just make sense on what the codes do.

VI. Proper structuring of packages

This is also crucial for me. In a bigger project, structure matters more. Because the structuring is actually based on the overall architecture of the project itself.
A project that’s structured properly tend to represent a good architecture.

VII. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

As I have said in (IV), in the name of OOP people tend to neglect the fundamentals of coding that is — just make the things work simply. So, in a simple project that tends to do just one thing (such as automation, etc). I keep it simple and try to avoid OOP itself.


No code is better than buggy ones. Cheers. Minimalism should be the essence of coding.

PS: I’d like to add a quote:

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

Edit 1 - 20 August, 2017

I gave a talk in Python Nepal Meetup #12 on the topic Writing Clean Code on 19 August, 2017.
Here are the slides